
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

End of trip - Auckland, NZ 

We arrived in Auckland at 3:30am. We waited at the airport till the slightly more decent hour of 5am to call TT to ask her to pick us up. She arrived with a beautiful bunch of sunflowers for us. There was a pretty sunrise outside, lots of birdsong (I can't recall a lot of bird song in the UK or South America so really noticed it when I got back) and a wonderful Welcome Home sign made by Char, Cam, TT and Big J.

Once we got home we enjoyed eating some Vogels toast with butter, vegemite and crunchy peanut butter. Yum!

Feeling a bit jet lagged we took it easy and zonked out for a couple of hours in the early afternoon.

We will organise our photos and get them up on the gallery within a week so check back soon.

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