
Monday, October 31, 2005

South America Trip - Day 12 - Angra 

Angra has many small beautiful islands (ihla´s). We travelled on a borrowed jet boat (John´s new boat was not ready in time) to a small beach on the Ihla Grande and swam in the warm water. I enjoyed sitting on the deck of the boat and feeling the force of the wind when the speed increased. Normally the water is a clear blue but it was murky due to last nights rain. Joseph tried skim boarding and got the hang of it quickly. You wait for a wave to just go out then you throw the board onto the wet sand, run to catch up with it, jump on and ride on it for as long as you can. Joy, Elizabeth and I all tried but with not much success :) at least we had a go. We played a bat and ball game which involved constant volleying. Your reactions had to be fast.

After enjoying the beach we visited a town where there are little brightly coloured buildings with B & B´s and cute tourist shop´s. There was a Club Med resort close by so we saw a few tourists around. Apparently the town only got electricity two years ago. We had a delicious lunch of Marqueca. This is a traditional seafood stew. Delicious or should I say Gostoso (tasty in Portugese) . Outside one shop were a couple of bird feeders where a lot of little hummingbirds gathered. Very sweet!

After lunch and some t shirt purchases we went to fuel up the boat. On the way Joseph and I got to drive the boat for a while. Not too difficult as we just held the steering wheel steady and slowly turned now and then. At the petrol station we saw a large shed that stored jet boats on many levels. Joseph was impressed with the large fork lift that was used to load the boats onto the shelves.

Once back at the beach house we all played beach volley ball which was great fun but a little tough on our forearms (I still have some bruises!). A visit to the pool and steam room was a nice way to relax after the game and the traditional dinner (rice, beans, seafood stew, crumbly bready stuff) and dessert (mousse flavoured with a fruit that tasted like passionfruit and something slightly firmer than jelly which was flavoured with another delicious fruit from Brazil called Goiabada that is purple...we have tried a lot of new fruits over here) made the day complete.

After dinner Bruno drove us into the town centre of Angra and we looked around the town´s shopping mall (it was raining outside).

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