
Saturday, September 20, 2003

Hi from muggy Singapore. We arrived 2:30 this morning, Changi airport is massive and it was deserted, kinda scary. We stayed at the transit hotel and checked out at 11 am and the place was still deserted, doesn't anyone fly around here! The famous "free internet" in the airport is a farce, we found an internet cafe that is free between 11 pm and 6 am but that was it!

We are staying in a hotel in central Singapore (it only takes 45 mins to drive from one side of the island to the other). Today it is raining which unusual for Singapore (according to our taxi driver who planned our itinerary for Singapore and Malaysia in the cab on the way to the hotel).

The best way to describe the climate is it is like being in the Begonia house at the botanical gardens, and this is cooler than normal. The rain is strange too, it comes down in infrequent large drops.

The main shopping street is called Orchard Road and is lined with large tropical trees and very large buildings. Each building has a shopping mall inside, there are no individual shops. They are enormous in their proportions with large windows and pillars all around. Many of the shops are quite small and try to entice you with blearing music. In the lower market malls the proprietors stand outside and ask you to view their wears, I was wooed with promises of "real imitation Rolexes".

I now have a cell phone! I know this will be a shock to many of you but I held out as long as I could, I will need one in London. I was disappointed with the price we paid but Lou wanted to get them fast, we are spending the rest of the day looking for shoes for me :)

PS I have not used the squat toilets yet, I am preparing myself.

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